Processing and Packaging
1. Blanching
- Immersion or steaming
- Providing good condition for freezing
- Improve eating quality
- Destruction of microorganisms
- Wilting vegetables
- Reduction of undesirable materials
- Inactivation of various enzymes
- Extension of shelf life
2. Heat treatment
- Low temperature long time
- Decrease cell damage and excessive softness
- Firmer texture
3. Dipping treatment
- Dipping / soaking in solution: brine, ascorbic acid, citric acid, sugar, etc
- Reduce browning
- Reduce enzymatic reaction
- Provide glazing that protect products from dehydration and oxidation
4. Bacterial
ice nucleators
- Elevate nucleation temperature
- Reduce freezing time
- Increase freezing rate
- Improve quality
5. Antifreeze proteins (AFPs)
- Lower freezing temperature
- Bind to the ice crystal
- Retarding recrystallization
6. Osmotic concentration
- Soaking food items in concentrate solution such as sugar solution
- Partial removal of moisture from foods
- Improving product quality
- Reducing refrigeration load
7. Cryoprotection
- Protection of protein freeze denaturation
- Preserving functional properties of proteins
- Examples: Sorbitol, sucrose, polydextrose, maltodextrins
- Produce smooth textures in Surimi (crabstick)
8. Irradiation
- Treating with ionizing radiation generated by radioactive materials
- Retard spoilage microorganisms
- Essential to maximise quality retention
- Thawing through refrigerator, microwave oven, cooking
Good and very usefull